Foods around us!






Q1 How did you choose the specific types of food for each portrait? What is their significance? Explain – be specific! (3 sentences min.)

Some of the foods that I used, I had a good picture in my mind that they would look good. Also, the foods I really like to eat. Therefore, I like to see all of my friends with all the foods I like.


Q2 Consider the lighting in your photographs. What was the light source in each of your photos. What time of day? How did it affect the mood and atmosphere of the portraits? Explain – be specific!  (3 sentences min.) The day that I did it, it was a little bit foggy. It added a nice touch in the background and was really cool. Also, it added a cool vibe in the background that you can really feel what the picture was.


Q3 Think about the composition of your photos. Name the composition technique you used for each photo. Why did you choose to crop your photos as shown? Be specific! (3 sentences min.) I used the 2/3rds method. In some of my pictures I want everyone to look at one things therefore that is why I did that. Also, with the fog compactor made it very cool.


Q4 How do the colors and color splash technique in your photographs contribute to the overall impact of the images? Why did you choose to mask the specific areas in color for each photo? Be specific!  (3 sentences min.) The colors really add a pop. They added something so the people could really look at the food. The bubble gum really splashed well which I really liked.


Q5 Consider the technical aspects of your photography, such as focus (lens size 75-300(lg) or 18-35(reg), or iphone mode/focus), depth of field (blurry background), and exposure (value in PS adjustment of your black, grays, whites). How did you use these techniques to enhance your images? Be specific! (3 sentences min.) I really liked the 18-35 more so I can get that blurry background. It is my favorite kind of lens. Also, the blurry is my favorite and I really like all pictures that are blurry.


Q6 What advice would you give to next year’s students for shooting food portraits? Be specific! (3 sentences min.) 

I would tell them that they should pick a food they like. It was very satisfying seeing all of my friends with my favorite foods. Lastly, I would tell them to take them seriously because they might really like taking photos.

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